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Hi, I'mĀ Caroline Van Natta

I empower
pro organizers to
own their magic

I had no idea what was possible when I started Tidyish in early 2022

Not only was my calendar booked out with high-paying clients (yay!) but I found out I was pregnant with my 3rd child.
I had 9 months to get Tidyish to a place where I could be present with my newborn and still bring home a paycheck.
Fast forward to today, my team is thriving and serving our happy clients on-site while I have the flexibility to be present with my 3 little ones and work from my desk when needed. Truly a dream!
In short, I created the Pro Organizer Summit because
Iā€™m obsessed with helping other women create wildly profitable organizing businesses. There is so much opportunity and this event is designed to help you take advantage of it!

My experience in marketing paid off, literally

Before Tidyish, I was helping online businesses standout in (very) crowded markets. My marketing experince made growing Tidyish easy on a busy schedule. You don't have to do complicated daily marketing tasks, not when you have the right brand, message and offerings!

My mission

Make growing your organizing business as easy and fun as possible

Your next step

Ready to grow your organizing biz?

Standout Organizer

This actionable workshop takes you from undercharging and with an empty calendar to raising your rates and standing out in any market

Learn More

Pro Organizer Summit

With our first event in June of 2023 being a huge success, it's clear we need to have another one! I'll be reviewing applications and reaching out to speakers in September. Will you be one?

Apply to be a speaker

1:1 Coaching

I am helping a small number of newbie organizers launch and blow up their businesses. Simple strategies, big results.

Apply here

The free quiz that will help you get more clients

Discover your organizing superpower see what marketing strategies will work best for YOU!